
designed by Studio Verco

Manufactured from 50mm thick, lightweight mdf and with laminated surfaces. Dylan offers durability, robustness and style in meeting, eating and collaborative situations.

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Dylan Dylan

Rectangular panel-end high table

DYL 2407 HT 2400 x 750 x 1050mm

DYL 2207 HT  2200 x 750 x 1050mm

DYL 2007 HT  2000 x 750 x 1050mm

DYL 1807 HT 1800 x 750 x 1050mm

DYL 1607 HT  1600 x 750 x 1050mm

DYL 1407 HT 1400 x 750 x 1050mm






Option – two-tone laminate finish Internal faces – always white laminate

Verco Office Furniture Limited manufacture all products under the stringent BS EN ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance standard. Products are continually tested to ensure they conform to the strength and stability requirements of British and European performance standards. Verco is committed to continually improving the environmental impact of our activities, products and services and to continually improving our environmental performance. BS EN ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (ems), which provides the framework for Verco to control any impact. Time taken at the design stage of any product can have an immediate and fundamental effect on that product’s environmental impact. From the careful selection of materials to maximise the recycled content and to minimise both the energy and CO2 footprints, to the ‘end of life’ recycle-ability of the component parts, particular consideration has been given to the environmental impact at every stage from the design concept through to final production.

Dylan DYL 2407

Rectangular panel-end dining/meeting table

DYL 2407 2400 x 750 x 750mm

DYL 2207 2200 x 750 x 750mm

DYL 2007 2000 x 750 x 750mm

DYL 1807 1800 x 750 x 750mm

DYL 1607 1600 x 750 x 750mm

DYL 1407 1400 x 750 x 750mm

Option – two-tone laminate finish Internal faces – always white laminate

Verco Office Furniture Limited manufacture all products under the stringent BS EN ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance standard. Products are continually tested to ensure they conform to the strength and stability requirements of British and European performance standards. Verco is committed to continually improving the environmental impact of our activities, products and services and to continually improving our environmental performance. BS EN ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (ems), which provides the framework for Verco to control any impact. Time taken at the design stage of any product can have an immediate and fundamental effect on that product’s environmental impact. From the careful selection of materials to maximise the recycled content and to minimise both the energy and CO2 footprints, to the ‘end of life’ recycle-ability of the component parts, particular consideration has been given to the environmental impact at every stage from the design concept through to final production

Dylan DYL 22 BS

Bench seat

DYL 22 BS 2200 x 380 x 450mm

DYL 20 BS 2000 x 380 x 450mm

DYL 18 BS 1800 x 380 x 450mm

DYL 16 BS1600 x 380 x 450mm

DYL 14 B 1400 x 380 x 450mm

DYL 12 BS1200 x 380 x 450mm


Option – two-tone laminate finish Internal faces – always white laminate

Verco Office Furniture Limited manufacture all products under the stringent BS EN ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance standard. Products are continually tested to ensure they conform to the strength and stability requirements of British and European performance standards. Verco is committed to continually improving the environmental impact of our activities, products and services and to continually improving our environmental performance. BS EN ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (ems), which provides the framework for Verco to control any impact. Time taken at the design stage of any product can have an immediate and fundamental effect on that product’s environmental impact. From the careful selection of materials to maximise the recycled content and to minimise both the energy and CO2 footprints, to the ‘end of life’ recycle-ability of the component parts, particular consideration has been given to the environmental impact at every stage from the design concept through to final production