DNA credenza units

designed by Studio Verco

designed in association with Roger Webb associates

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DNA credenza units DCU 1609

1600 x 650 x 950

credenza units 1600 x 650 x 950 DCU 1609
credenza units 2100 x 650 x 800 DCU 2108
credenza units with built-in fridge 1600 x 650 x 950 DCFU 1609
credenza units with built-in fridge 2100 x 650 x 800 DCFU 2108

Consideration has been given, at the design stage, to minimise the environmental impact of the chair. The upholstery can be removed and replaced, both to prolong the life and to reduce the environmental impact.

DNA credenza units DCU 2108

credenza units 1600 x 650 x 950 DCU 1609
credenza units 2100 x 650 x 800 DCU 2108
credenza units with built-in fridge 1600 x 650 x 950 DCFU 1609
credenza units with built-in fridge 2100 x 650 x 800 DCFU 2108

credenza units 1600 x 650 x 950 DCU 1609
credenza units 2100 x 650 x 800 DCU 2108
credenza units with built-in fridge 1600 x 650 x 950 DCFU 1609
credenza units with built-in fridge 2100 x 650 x 800 DCFU 2108

Consideration has been given, at the design stage, to minimise the environmental impact of the chair. The upholstery can be removed and replaced, both to prolong the life and to reduce the environmental impact.